package squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor; import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Disposable; import squidpony.IColorCenter; import squidpony.squidmath.OrderedMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import static squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx.SColor.colorFromFloat; /** * Class for creating text blocks. * * This class defaults to having no padding and having no font set. You can use a * default square or narrow font by calling the appropriate method, or set the font * to any AngelCode bitmap font on the classpath (typically in libGDX, this would be * in the assets folder; these fonts can be created by Hiero in the libGDX tools, * see for more) * * After all settings are set, one of the initialization methods must be called * before the factory can be used. * * In order to easily support Unicode, strings are treated as a series of code * points. * * All images have transparent backgrounds. * * @author Eben Howard - - * @author Tommy Ettinger */ public class TextCellFactory implements Disposable { /** * The commonly used symbols in roguelike games. */ public static final String DEFAULT_FITTING = "@!#$%^&*()_+1234567890-=~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz;:,'\"{}?/\\ ", LINE_FITTING = "┼├┤┴┬┌┐└┘│─", SQUID_FITTING = " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmno"+ "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàá"+ "âãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİı"+ "IJijĴĵĶķĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅņŇňŊŋŌōŎŏŐőŒœŔŕŖŗŘřŚśŜŝŞşŠšŢţŤťŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųŴŵŶŷŸŹźŻżŽžſƒǺǻǼǽǾ"+ "ǿȘșȚțȷˆˇˉˋ˘˙˚˛˜˝;΄΅Ά·ΈΉΊΌΎΏΐΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥΦΧΨΩΪΫάέήίΰαβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυ"+ "φχψωϊϋόύώЀЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЍЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхц"+ "чшщъыьэюяѐёђѓєѕіїјљњћќѝўџѢѣѲѳѴѵҐґẀẁẂẃẄẅỲỳ–—‘’‚‛“”„†‡•…‰‹›ⁿ₤€№™Ω℮←↑→↓∆−√≈─│┌┐└┘├┤"+ "┬┴┼═║╒╓╔╕╖╗╘╙╚╛╜╝╞╟╠╡╢╣╤╥╦╧╨╩╪╫■□▪▫▲▼◊○●◦♀♂♠♣♥♦♪"; /** * The {@link AssetManager} from where to load the font. Use it to share * loading of a font's file across multiple factories. */ protected /* Nullable */AssetManager assetManager; public BitmapFont bmpFont = null; protected Texture block = null; protected TextureRegion dirMarker = null; protected String fitting = SQUID_FITTING; protected IColorCenter<Color> scc; protected int leftPadding = 0, rightPadding = 0, topPadding = 0, bottomPadding = 0; protected float width = 1, height = 1; protected float actualCellWidth = 1, actualCellHeight = 1; protected float distanceFieldScaleX = 36f, distanceFieldScaleY = 36f; private boolean initialized = false, initializedByFont = false, initializedBySize = false; protected boolean distanceField = false; protected ShaderProgram shader; protected float smoothingMultiplier = 1f; protected float descent, lineHeight; private Label.LabelStyle style; protected OrderedMap<Character, Character> swap = new OrderedMap<>(32); protected char directionGlyph = '^'; protected OrderedMap<Character, TextureRegion> glyphTextures = new OrderedMap<>(16); private StringBuilder mut = new StringBuilder(1).append('\0'); /** * Creates a default valued factory. One of the initialization methods must * be called before this factory can be used! */ public TextCellFactory() { this(null); } /** * A default valued factory that uses the given {@link AssetManager} to load * the font file. Use this constructor if you are likely to load the same * font over and over (recall that, without an {@link AssetManager}, each * instance of {@link TextCellFactory} will load its font from disk). This * primarily matters if you are using fonts not bundled with SquidLib, since * accessing a BitmapFont with a method (not a String) from DefaultResources * caches the BitmapFont already. * * @param assetManager an ordinary libGDX AssetManager */ public TextCellFactory(/* Nullable */ AssetManager assetManager) { this.assetManager = assetManager; scc = DefaultResources.getSCC(); swap.put('\u0006', ' '); } public TextCellFactory copy() { TextCellFactory next = new TextCellFactory(assetManager); //next.bmpFont = bmpFont; if(bmpFont == null) bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); next.bmpFont = new BitmapFont(new BitmapFont.BitmapFontData(bmpFont.getData().getFontFile(), false), bmpFont.getRegions(), bmpFont.usesIntegerPositions()); next.block = block; next.swap = new OrderedMap<>(swap); next.distanceField = distanceField; next.distanceFieldScaleX = distanceFieldScaleX; next.distanceFieldScaleY = distanceFieldScaleY; next.shader = null; next.fitting = fitting; next.height = height; next.width = width; next.actualCellWidth = actualCellWidth; next.actualCellHeight = actualCellHeight; next.descent = descent; next.lineHeight = lineHeight; //next.modifiedHeight = modifiedHeight; next.smoothingMultiplier = smoothingMultiplier; next.scc = scc; next.directionGlyph = directionGlyph; if(initializedBySize) next.initBySize(); else if(initializedByFont) next.initByFont(); return next; } /** * Initializes the factory to then be able to create text cells on demand. * * Will match the width and height to 12 and 12, scaling the font to fit. * * Calling this after the factory has already been initialized will * re-initialize it. * * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory initByFont() { if(bmpFont == null) bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); bmpFont.setFixedWidthGlyphs(fitting); width = bmpFont.getSpaceWidth(); lineHeight = bmpFont.getLineHeight(); height = (lineHeight); descent = bmpFont.getDescent(); actualCellWidth = width; actualCellHeight = height; //modifiedHeight = height; Pixmap temp = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); temp.setColor(Color.WHITE); temp.fill(); block = new Texture(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); block.draw(temp, 0, 0); temp.dispose(); style = new Label.LabelStyle(bmpFont, null); BitmapFont.Glyph g = bmpFont.getData().getGlyph(directionGlyph); dirMarker = new TextureRegion(bmpFont.getRegion(, g.srcX, g.srcY, g.width, g.height); initialized = true; initializedByFont = true; return this; } /** * Initializes the factory to then be able to create text cells on demand. * * Will strictly use the provided width and height values to size the cells. * * Calling this after the factory has already been initialized will * re-initialize it. * * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory initBySize() { if(bmpFont == null) bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); //bmpFont.setFixedWidthGlyphs(fitting); Pixmap temp = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); temp.setColor(Color.WHITE); temp.fill(); block = new Texture(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); block.draw(temp, 0, 0); temp.dispose(); if(distanceField) { bmpFont.getData().setScale(width / distanceFieldScaleX, height / distanceFieldScaleY); shader = new ShaderProgram(DefaultResources.vertexShader, DefaultResources.fragmentShader); if (!shader.isCompiled()) {"shader", "Distance Field font shader compilation failed:\n" + shader.getLog()); } lineHeight = bmpFont.getLineHeight(); //lineTweak = lineHeight / 20f; //distanceFieldScaleX *= (((float)width) / height) / (distanceFieldScaleX / distanceFieldScaleY); } else { shader = SpriteBatch.createDefaultShader(); lineHeight = bmpFont.getLineHeight(); //lineTweak = lineHeight * 0.0625f; } descent = bmpFont.getDescent(); style = new Label.LabelStyle(bmpFont, null); BitmapFont.Glyph g = bmpFont.getData().getGlyph(directionGlyph); dirMarker = new TextureRegion(bmpFont.getRegion(, g.srcX, g.srcY, g.width, g.height); initialized = true; initializedBySize = true; return this; } /** * Initializes the factory to then be able to create text cells on demand. * * (This is identical to initBySize() when using libGDX.) * * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory initVerbatim() { return initBySize(); } /** * Returns the font used by this factory. * * @return the font */ public BitmapFont font() { return bmpFont; } /** * Sets this factory to use the provided font. * * This is a way to complete a needed step; the font must be set before initializing, which can be done by a few * methods in this class. * * This should be called with an argument such as "Rogue-Zodiac-6x12.fnt", that is, it should have the .fnt * extension as opposed to the .png that accompanies such a bitmap font. The bitmap font should be either in the * internal folder that libGDX knows about, which means it is in the assets folder of your project usually, or it * can be on the classpath, which mostly applies to these resources bundled with SquidLib: * <ul> * <li>DefaultResources.squareName = "Zodiac-Square-12x12.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.narrowName = "Rogue-Zodiac-6x12.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.unicodeName = "Mandrill-6x16.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.smoothName = "Inconsolata-LGC-8x18.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.squareNameLarge = "Zodiac-Square-24x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.narrowNameLarge = "Rogue-Zodiac-12x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.unicodeNameLarge = "Mandrill-12x32.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.smoothNameLarge = "Inconsolata-LGC-12x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.narrowNameExtraLarge = "Rogue-Zodiac-18x36.fnt"</li> * <li>There is also a sequence of resized versions of Inconsolata LGC, altered to fit in a square area. These * don't have names in DefaultResources; you should use the overload of font() that takes a BitmapFont if you * want to use the multiple, increasingly-resized versions.</li> * </ul> * "Rogue-Zodiac-12x24.fnt", which is easily accessed by the field DefaultResources.narrowNameLarge , can also * be set using TextCellFactory.defaultNarrowFont() instead of font(). "Zodiac-Square-12x12.fnt", also accessible * as DefaultResources.squareName , can be set using TextCellFactory.defaultSquareFont() instead of font(). * "Inconsolata-LGC-12x24.fnt", also accessible as DefaultResources.smoothNameLarge , can be set using * TextCellFactory.defaultFont() instead of font(). All three of these alternatives will cache the BitmapFont if * the same one is requested later, but this font() method will not. * <br> * See for some ways to create a bitmap font this can use. Several fonts * in this list were created using Hiero (not Hiero4), and several were created with AngelCode's BMFont tool. * * @param fontpath the path to the font to use * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory font(String fontpath) { if (assetManager == null) { if (Gdx.files.internal(fontpath).exists()) bmpFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal(fontpath)); else if (Gdx.files.classpath(fontpath).exists()) bmpFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.classpath(fontpath)); else bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); } else { assetManager.load(new AssetDescriptor<>(fontpath, BitmapFont.class)); /* * We're using the AssetManager not be asynchronous, but to avoid * loading a file twice (because that takes some time (tens of * milliseconds)). Hence this KISS code to avoid having to handle a * not-yet-loaded font: */ assetManager.finishLoading(); bmpFont = assetManager.get(fontpath, BitmapFont.class); } return this; } /** * Sets this factory to use the provided BitmapFont as its font without re-constructing anything. * * This is a way to complete a needed step; the font must be set before initializing, which can be done by a few * methods in this class. * * This should be called with an argument such as {@code DefaultResources.getDefaultFont()} or any other variable * with BitmapFont as its type. The bitmap font will not be loaded from file with this method, which it would be if * you called the overload of font() that takes a String more than once. These BitmapFont resources are already * bundled with SquidLib: * <ul> * <li>DefaultResources.getDefaultFont() = "Zodiac-Square-12x12.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getDefaultNarrowFont() = "Rogue-Zodiac-6x12.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getDefaultUnicodeFont() = "Mandrill-6x16.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getSmoothFont() = "Inconsolata-LGC-8x18.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getLargeFont() = "Zodiac-Square-24x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getLargeNarrowFont() = "Rogue-Zodiac-12x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getLargeUnicodeFont() = "Mandrill-12x32.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getLargeSmoothFont() = "Inconsolata-LGC-12x24.fnt"</li> * <li>DefaultResources.getExtraLargeNarrowFont() = "Rogue-Zodiac-18x36.fnt"</li> * <li>There is also a sequence of resized versions of Inconsolata LGC, altered to fit in a square area. These * can be accessed with DefaultResources.getZoomedFont(), passing an int between 0 and 11 inclusive.</li> * </ul> * "Rogue-Zodiac-12x24.fnt", which is easily accessed by the method DefaultResources.getLargeNarrowFont() , can also * be set using TextCellFactory.defaultNarrowFont() instead of font(). "Zodiac-Square-12x12.fnt", also accessible * with DefaultResources.getDefaultFont() , can be set using TextCellFactory.defaultSquareFont() instead of font(). * "Inconsolata-LGC-12x24.fnt", also accessible with DefaultResources.getLargeSmoothFont() , can be set using * TextCellFactory.defaultFont() instead of font(). All three of these alternatives will cache the BitmapFont if * the same one is requested later, but this font() method will not. * <br> * See for some ways to create a bitmap font this can use. Several fonts * in this list were created using Hiero (not Hiero4), and several were created with AngelCode's BMFont tool. * * @param bitmapFont the BitmapFont this should use * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory font(BitmapFont bitmapFont) { if (bitmapFont == null) { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); } else { bmpFont = bitmapFont; } return this; } /** * Sets the font to a distance field font with the given String path to a .fnt file and String path to a texture. * Distance field fonts should scale cleanly to multiple resolutions without artifacts. Does not use AssetManager * since you shouldn't need to reload the font if it scales with one image. You need to configure the shader to use * distance field fonts unless a class already does this for you (SquidLayers handles shader configuration * internally, for example). TextCellFactory has a method, configureShader(Batch), that does this and should be * called while that Batch has begun rendering, typically in an override of some containing Scene2D Group's * draw(Batch, float) method. * <br> * At least two distance field fonts are included in SquidLib; one is square, one is narrow, and they can both be * accessed using either the predefined TextCellFactory objects in DefaultResources, accessible with * getStretchableFont() for narrow or getStretchableSquareFont() for square, or the setter methods in this class, * defaultDistanceFieldFont() for square and defaultNarrowDistanceFieldFont() for narrow. * <br> * To create distance field fonts that work well with monospace layout is... time-consuming and error-prone, though * not especially difficult for most fonts. The process is documented as well as we can, given how differently all * fonts are made, in a file not included in the distribution JAR but present on GitHub: * * @param fontPath the path to a .fnt bitmap font file with distance field effects applied, which requires a complex * process to create. * @param texturePath the path to the texture used by the bitmap font * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory fontDistanceField(String fontPath, String texturePath) { Texture tex; if (Gdx.files.internal(texturePath).exists()) {"font", "Using internal font texture at " + texturePath); tex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(texturePath), true); tex.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); } else if (Gdx.files.classpath(texturePath).exists()) {"font", "Using classpath font texture at " + texturePath); tex = new Texture(Gdx.files.classpath(texturePath), true); tex.setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); } else { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont();"TextCellFactory", "Could not find font file: " + texturePath + ", using defaults"); return this; } if (Gdx.files.internal(fontPath).exists()) {"font", "Using internal font at " + fontPath); bmpFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal(fontPath), new TextureRegion(tex), false); distanceField = true; } else if (Gdx.files.classpath(fontPath).exists()) {"font", "Using classpath font at " + fontPath); bmpFont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.classpath(fontPath), new TextureRegion(tex), false); distanceField = true; } else { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont();"TextCellFactory", "Could not find font file: " + fontPath + ", using defaults"); } //bmpFont.getData().padBottom = bmpFont.getDescent(); distanceFieldScaleX = bmpFont.getSpaceWidth() - 1f; distanceFieldScaleY = bmpFont.getLineHeight() - 1f; return this; } /** * Sets this factory to use the one font included with libGDX, which is Arial at size 15 px. Does it correctly * display when used in a grid? Probably not as well as you'd hope. You should probably get some of the assets that * accompany SquidLib, and can be downloaded directly from GitHub (not available as one monolithic jar via Maven * Central, but that lets you pick and choose individual assets). Get a .fnt and its matching .png file from * and you can pass them to {@link #font(String)} or * {@link #fontDistanceField(String, String)}. * * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory includedFont() { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getIncludedFont(); return this; }/** * Sets this factory to use a default 12x24 font that supports Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and many more, including * box-drawing characters, zodiac signs, playing-card suits, and chess piece symbols. This is enough to support the * output of anything that DungeonUtility can make for a dungeon or FakeLanguageGen can make for text with its * defaults, which is difficult for any font to do. The box-drawing characters in this don't quite line up, and in * some colors there may appear to be gaps (white text on black backgrounds will show it, but not much else). * * This is a way to complete a needed step; the font must be set before initializing, which can be done by a few * methods in this class. * * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory defaultFont() { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getLargeSmoothFont(); return this; } /** * Sets this factory to use a default 12x24 font that renders very accurately, with no gaps between box-drawing * characters and very geometric lines. * * This is a way to complete a needed step; the font must be set before initializing, which can be done by a few * methods in this class. * * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory defaultNarrowFont() { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getLargeNarrowFont(); return this; } /** * Sets this factory to use a default 12x12 font, which... is square, and doesn't look as bad as many square fonts * do, plus it supports box-drawing characters with no gaps. * * This is a way to complete a needed step; the font must be set before initializing, which can be done by a few * methods in this class. * * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory defaultSquareFont() { bmpFont = DefaultResources.getDefaultFont(); return this; } /** * Sets the TextCellFactory to use a square distance field font that will resize to whatever size you request. * You must configure the shader if you use a distance field font, unless a class does it for you, like SquidLayers. * The configureShader(Batch) method of this class can be used to set up the shader if you don't use SquidLayers; * see its docs for more information. * @return this TextCellFactory set to use a square distance field font */ public TextCellFactory defaultDistanceFieldFont() { fontDistanceField(DefaultResources.distanceFieldSquare, DefaultResources.distanceFieldSquareTexture); return this; } /** * Sets the TextCellFactory to use a half-square distance field font that will resize to whatever size you request. * You must configure the shader if you use a distance field font, unless a class does it for you, like SquidLayers. * The configureShader(Batch) method of this class can be used to set up the shader if you don't use SquidLayers; * see its docs for more information. * @return this TextCellFactory set to use a half-square distance field font */ public TextCellFactory defaultNarrowDistanceFieldFont() { fontDistanceField(DefaultResources.distanceFieldNarrow, DefaultResources.distanceFieldNarrowTexture); return this; } /** * Returns the width of a single cell. * * @return the width */ public float width() { return width; } /** * Sets the factory's cell width to the provided value. Clamps at 1 on the * lower bound to ensure valid calculations. * * @param width the desired width * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory width(float width) { this.width = Math.max(1, width); actualCellWidth = this.width; return this; } /** * Returns the height of a single cell. * * @return the height of a single cell */ public float height() { return height; } /** * Sets the factory's cell height to the provided value. Clamps at 1 on the * lower bound to ensure valid calculations. * * @param height the desired width * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory height(float height) { this.height = Math.max(1, height); //modifiedHeight = this.height; actualCellHeight = this.height; return this; } /** * Sets the factory's height used for text to the provided value, but does not change the size of a cell. Clamps at * 1 on the lower bound to ensure valid calculations. * * @param width the desired width * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory tweakWidth(float width) { this.width = Math.max(1, width); return this; } /** * Sets the factory's height used for text to the provided value, but does not change the size of a cell. Clamps at * 1 on the lower bound to ensure valid calculations. * * @param height the desired height * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory tweakHeight(float height) { this.height = Math.max(1, height); //modifiedHeight = this.height; return this; } /** * Returns the current String of code points that are used for sizing the * cells. * * Note that this is actually a set of codepoints and treating them as an * array of chars might give undesired results. * * @return the String used for sizing calculations */ public String fit() { return fitting; } /** * Sets the characters that will be guaranteed to fit to the provided ones. * This will override any previously set string. * * @param fit the String of code points to size to * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory fit(String fit) { fitting = fit; bmpFont.setFixedWidthGlyphs(fitting); width = bmpFont.getSpaceWidth(); return this; } /** * Adds the code points in the string to the list of characters that will be * guaranteed to fit. * * @param fit the String of code points to size to * @return this factory for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory addFit(String fit) { fitting += fit; bmpFont.setFixedWidthGlyphs(fitting); width = bmpFont.getSpaceWidth(); return this; } /** * Returns whether this factory is currently set to do antialiasing on the * characters rendered, which is always true. * * @return true if antialiasing is set */ public boolean antialias() { return true; } /** * All fonts will be rendered with antialiasing, this doesn't do anything. * * @param antialias ignored, will always use antialiasing * @return this factory for method chaining * @deprecated AA is the wave of the future! */ public TextCellFactory antialias(boolean antialias) { return this; } /** * Sets the amount of padding on all sides to the provided value. * * @param padding how much padding in pixels * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory padding(int padding) { leftPadding = padding; rightPadding = padding; topPadding = padding; bottomPadding = padding; return this; } /** * Returns the padding on the left side. * * @return amount of padding in pixels */ public int leftPadding() { return leftPadding; } /** * Sets the amount of padding on the left side to the provided value. * * @param padding how much padding in pixels * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory leftPadding(int padding) { leftPadding = padding; return this; } /** * Returns the padding on the right side. * * @return amount of padding in pixels */ public int rightPadding() { return rightPadding; } /** * Sets the amount of padding on the right side to the provided value. * * @param padding how much padding in pixels * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory rightPadding(int padding) { rightPadding = padding; return this; } /** * Returns the padding on the top side. * * @return amount of padding in pixels */ public int topPadding() { return topPadding; } /** * Sets the amount of padding on the top side to the provided value. * * @param padding how much padding in pixels * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory topPadding(int padding) { topPadding = padding; return this; } /** * Returns the padding on the bottom side. * * @return amount of padding in pixels */ public int bottomPadding() { return bottomPadding; } /** * Sets the amount of padding on the bottom side to the provided value. * * @param padding how much padding in pixels * @return this for method chaining */ public TextCellFactory bottomPadding(int padding) { bottomPadding = padding; return this; } /** * @param icc * The color center to use. Should not be {@code null}. * @return {@code this} * @throws NullPointerException * If {@code icc} is {@code null}. */ public TextCellFactory setColorCenter(IColorCenter<Color> icc) { if (icc == null) /* Better fail now than later */ throw new NullPointerException( "The color center should not be null in " + getClass().getSimpleName()); scc = icc; return this; } /** * Returns true if this factory is fully initialized and ready to build text cells. * * @return true if initialized */ public boolean initialized() { return initialized; } /** * Returns true if the given character will fit inside the current cell * dimensions with the current font. * * ISO Control characters, non-printing characters and invalid unicode * characters are all considered by definition to fit. * * @param codepoint the codepoint of the char in question * @return true if the char will fit, or if it is non-printing in some way; false otherwise */ public boolean willFit(int codepoint) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (!Character.isValidCodePoint(codepoint) || (codepoint <= 0x001F) || (codepoint >= 0x007F && codepoint <= 0x009F)) // same as isIsoControl { return true; } return fitting.contains(String.valueOf(Character.toChars(codepoint))); } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a String (often just one char long) with the default color (white), with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param s the string to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, String s, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } // + descent * 3 / 2f // - distanceFieldScaleY / 12f //height - lineTweak * 2f if (s == null || s.isEmpty() || s.charAt(0) == 0) { batch.setColor(1f,1f,1f,1f); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // + descent * 1 / 3f } else { bmpFont.setColor(1f,1f,1f,1f); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a char with the default color (white), with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param c the char to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, char c, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } // + descent * 3 / 2f // - distanceFieldScaleY / 12f //height - lineTweak * 2f if (c == 0) { batch.setColor(1f,1f,1f,1f); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // + descent * 1 / 3f } else { bmpFont.setColor(1f,1f,1f,1f); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(c, c)); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a String (often just one char long) in the specified rgba color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param s the string to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param r 0.0 to 0.1 red value * @param g 0.0 to 0.1 green value * @param b 0.0 to 0.1 blue value * @param a 0.0 to 0.1 alpha value * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, String s, float r, float g, float b, float a, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (s == null) { Color orig = scc.filter(batch.getColor()); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else if(s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(0) == '\0') { Color orig = scc.filter(batch.getColor()); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth * s.length(), actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else { bmpFont.setColor(r, g, b, a); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a String (often just one char long) in the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param s the string to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param color the LibGDX Color to draw the char(s) with, all the same color * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, String s, Color color, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (s == null) { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else if(s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(0) == '\0') { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth * s.length(), actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else { bmpFont.setColor(scc.filter(color)); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a String (often just one char long) in the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param s the string to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param encodedColor the LibGDX Color to use, converted to float as by {@link Color#toFloatBits()} * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, String s, float encodedColor, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (s == null) { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else if(s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(0) == '\0') { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth * s.length(), actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else { colorFromFloat(bmpFont.getColor(), encodedColor); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a String (often just one char long) in the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param c the char to draw, often but not necessarily one char. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param encodedColor the LibGDX Color to use, converted to float as by {@link Color#toFloatBits()} * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, char c, float encodedColor, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (c == 0) { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(block, x, y - actualCellHeight, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); // descent * 1 / 3f batch.setColor(orig); } else { colorFromFloat(bmpFont.getColor(), encodedColor); mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(c, c)); bmpFont.draw(batch, mut, x, y - descent + 1/* * 1.5f*//* - lineHeight * 0.2f */ /* + descent*/, width,, false); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion with the default tint color (white, so un-tinted), with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * if its size does not match what this TextCellFactory uses for width and height. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { batch.draw(block, x, y - height, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); } else { batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified rgba color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * if its size does not match what this TextCellFactory uses for width and height. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param r 0.0 to 0.1 red value * @param g 0.0 to 0.1 green value * @param b 0.0 to 0.1 blue value * @param a 0.0 to 0.1 alpha value * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float r, float g, float b, float a, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); batch.setColor(orig); } else { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * if its size does not match what this TextCellFactory uses for width and height. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param color the LibGDX Color to draw the char(s) with, all the same color * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, Color color, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); batch.setColor(orig); } else { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified encoded color as a float, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * if its size does not match what this TextCellFactory uses for width and height. Colors can be converted to and * from floats using methods in SColor such as {@link SColor#floatGet(float, float, float, float)}, * {@link SColor#toFloatBits()}, {@link SColor#colorFromFloat(Color, float)}, and * {@link SColor#lerpFloatColors(float, float, float)}. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param encodedColor the float encoding a color (as ABGR8888; SColor can produce these) to draw the image with * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float encodedColor, float x, float y) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight); batch.setColor(orig); } else { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion with the default tint color (white, so un-tinted), with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * only if the supplied width and height do not match what its own dimensions are. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param width the width of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. * @param height the height of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { batch.draw(block, x, y - height, width, height); } else { batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified rgba color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * only if the supplied width and height do not match what its own dimensions are. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param r 0.0 to 0.1 red value * @param g 0.0 to 0.1 green value * @param b 0.0 to 0.1 blue value * @param a 0.0 to 0.1 alpha value * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the region of text in world coordinates. * @param width the width of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. * @param height the height of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float r, float g, float b, float a, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } else { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(r, g, b, a); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * only if the supplied width and height do not match what its own dimensions are. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param color the LibGDX Color to draw the image with, all the same color * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. * @param width the width of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. * @param height the height of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, Color color, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } else { Color orig = batch.getColor(); batch.setColor(scc.filter(color)); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Use the specified Batch to draw a TextureRegion tinted with the specified LibGDX Color, with x and y * determining the world-space coordinates for the upper-left corner. The TextureRegion will be stretched * only if the supplied width and height do not match what its own dimensions are. * * @param batch the LibGDX Batch to do the drawing * @param tr the TextureRegion to draw. Can be null to draw a solid block instead. * @param encodedColor the float encoding a color (as ABGR8888; SColor can produce these) to draw the image with * @param x x of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. * @param y y of the upper-left corner of the image in world coordinates. * @param width the width of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. * @param height the height of the TextureRegion or solid block in pixels. */ public void draw(Batch batch, TextureRegion tr, float encodedColor, float x, float y, float width, float height) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(block, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } else { float orig = batch.getPackedColor(); batch.setColor(encodedColor); batch.draw(tr, x, y - height, width, height); batch.setColor(orig); } } /** * Converts a String into a Label, or if the argument s is null, creates an Image of a solid block. Can be used * for preparing glyphs for animation effects. * @param s a String to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Label makeWrappingString(String s) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (s == null) { s = ""; } Label lb = new Label(s, style); lb.setWrap(true); // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } /** * Converts a String into a Label, or if the argument s is null, creates an Image of a solid block. Can be used * for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. * @param s a String to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param color a Color to tint s with. * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(String s, Color color) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (s == null) { Image im = new Image(block); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); //im.setSize(width, height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else if(s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(0) == '\0') { Image im = new Image(block); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); //im.setSize(width * s.length(), height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * s.length(), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); Label lb = new Label(mut, style); //lb.setFontScale(bmpFont.getData().scaleX, bmpFont.getData().scaleY); lb.setSize(width * s.length(), height - descent); //+ lineTweak * 1f lb.setColor(scc.filter(color)); // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } } /** * Converts a String into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument s is null, creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param s a String to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint s with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(String s, Collection<Color> colors) { return makeActor(s, colors, 2f, false); } /** * Converts a String into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument s is null, creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param s a String to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint s with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(String s, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime) { return makeActor(s, colors, loopTime, false); } /** * Converts a String into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument s is null, creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param s a String to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint s with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(String s, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } ArrayList<Color> colors2 = null; if(colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { colors2 = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); for (Color c : colors) { colors2.add(scc.filter(c)); } } if (s == null) { ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(block, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); //im.setSize(width, height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else if(s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(0) == '\0') { ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(block, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); //im.setSize(width * s.length(), height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * s.length() * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(s.charAt(0), s.charAt(0))); ColorChangeLabel lb = new ColorChangeLabel(mut, style, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); lb.setSize(width * s.length(), height - descent); //+ lineTweak * 1f // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } } /** * Converts a char into a Label, or if the argument c is '\0', creates an Image of a solid block. Can be used * for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. * @param c a char to make into an Actor, which can be the character with Unicode value 0 for a solid block. * @param color a Color to tint c with. * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(char c, Color color) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (c == 0) { Image im = new Image(block); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); //im.setSize(width, height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(c, c)); Label lb = new Label(mut, style); //lb.setFontScale(bmpFont.getData().scaleX, bmpFont.getData().scaleY); lb.setSize(width, height - descent); //+ lineTweak * 1f lb.setColor(scc.filter(color)); // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } } /** * Converts a char into a Label, or if the argument c is '\0', creates an Image of a solid block. Can be used * for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. Instead of a libGDX Color * object, this takes an encoded float that represents a color as libGDX often does internally, ABGR-packed format. * You can use various methods in SColor to produce these, like {@link SColor#floatGet(float, float, float, float)} * or {@link Color#toFloatBits()}. * @param c a char to make into an Actor, which can be the character with Unicode value 0 for a solid block. * @param encodedColor an ABGR packed float (as produced by {@link SColor#floatGet(float, float, float, float)}) to use as c's color * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(char c, float encodedColor) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (c == 0) { Image im = new Image(block); Color.abgr8888ToColor(im.getColor(), encodedColor); //im.setSize(width, height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(c, c)); Label lb = new Label(mut, style); //lb.setFontScale(bmpFont.getData().scaleX, bmpFont.getData().scaleY); lb.setSize(width, height - descent); //+ lineTweak * 1f Color.abgr8888ToColor(lb.getColor(), encodedColor); // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } } /** * Converts a char into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument c is '\0', creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param c a char to make into an Actor, which can be the character with Unicode value 0 for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint c with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(char c, Collection<Color> colors) { return makeActor(c, colors, 2f, false); } /** * Converts a char into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument c is '\0', creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param c a char to make into an Actor, which can be the character with Unicode value 0 for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint c with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(char c, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime) { return makeActor(c, colors, loopTime, false); } /** * Converts a char into a ColorChangeLabel, or if the argument c is '\0', creates a ColorChangeImage of a solid * block. Can be used for preparing glyphs for animation effects, and is used internally for this purpose. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each second, and are not affected by setColor, * though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation for the * purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param c a char to make into an Actor, which can be the character with Unicode value 0 for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint c with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(char c, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } ArrayList<Color> colors2 = null; if(colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { colors2 = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); for (Color color : colors) { colors2.add(scc.filter(color)); } } if (c == 0) { ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(block, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); //im.setSize(width, height - MathUtils.ceil(bmpFont.getDescent() / 2f)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { mut.setCharAt(0, swap.getOrDefault(c, c)); ColorChangeLabel lb = new ColorChangeLabel(mut, style, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); lb.setSize(width, height - descent); //+ lineTweak * 1f // lb.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return lb; } } public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Collection<Color> colors) { return makeActor(tr, colors, 2f, false); } public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime) { return makeActor(tr, colors, loopTime, false); } /** * Converts a TextureRegion into a ColorChangeImage that will cycle through the given colors. * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each loopTime, and are not affected by * setColor, though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation * for the purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param tr a TextureRegion to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint c with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth){ return makeActor(tr, colors, loopTime, doubleWidth, actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); } /** * Converts a TextureRegion into a ColorChangeImage that will cycle through the given colors. * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List each loopTime, and are not affected by * setColor, though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered an animation * for the purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param tr a TextureRegion to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param colors a List of Color to tint c with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth, float width, float height){ if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } ArrayList<Color> colors2 = null; if(colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { colors2 = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); for (Color color : colors) { colors2.add(scc.filter(color)); } } if (tr == null) { ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(block, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); im.setSize(width, height); return im; } else { ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(tr, loopTime, doubleWidth, colors2); im.setSize(width, height); return im; } } /** * Creates a ColorChangeImage Actor that should look like the glyph '^' in this font, but will be rotate-able. The * ColorChange classes will rotate between all colors given in the List in the given amount of loopTime, and are not * affected by setColor, though they are affected by their setColors methods. Their color change is not considered * an animation for the purposes of things like SquidPanel.hasActiveAnimations() . * @param colors a List of Color to tint s with, looping through all elements in the list each second * @param loopTime the amount of time, in seconds, to spend looping through all colors in the list * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Image makeDirectionMarker(Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } ArrayList<Color> colors2 = null; if (colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { colors2 = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); for (Color c : colors) { colors2.add(scc.filter(c)); } } ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(dirMarker, loopTime, doubleWidth, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0), colors2); im.setAlign(2); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f return im; } /** * Creates a Image Actor that should look like the glyph '^' in this font, but will be rotate-able. * @param color a Color to tint the '^' with * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Image makeDirectionMarker(Color color) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } Image im = new Image(dirMarker); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); im.setSize(actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f im.setOrigin(1); //center return im; } public ColorChangeImage makeGlyphImage(char glyph, Color color) { return makeGlyphImage(glyph, color, false); } public ColorChangeImage makeGlyphImage(char glyph, Color color, boolean doubleWidth) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } TextureRegion tr; if (glyphTextures.containsKey(glyph)) { tr = glyphTextures.get(glyph); } else { BitmapFont.Glyph g = bmpFont.getData().getGlyph(glyph); tr = new TextureRegion(bmpFont.getRegion(, g.srcX, g.srcY, g.width, g.height); glyphTextures.put(glyph, tr); } ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(tr, 1, doubleWidth, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0), Collections.singletonList(scc.filter(color))); im.setAlign(2); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f return im; } public ColorChangeImage makeGlyphImage(char glyph, Collection<Color> colors, float loopTime, boolean doubleWidth) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } TextureRegion tr; if (glyphTextures.containsKey(glyph)) { tr = glyphTextures.get(glyph); } else { BitmapFont.Glyph g = bmpFont.getData().getGlyph(glyph); tr = new TextureRegion(bmpFont.getRegion(, g.srcX, g.srcY, g.width, g.height); glyphTextures.put(glyph, tr); } ArrayList<Color> colors2 = null; if (colors != null && !colors.isEmpty()) { colors2 = new ArrayList<>(colors.size()); for (Color c : colors) { colors2.add(scc.filter(c)); } } ColorChangeImage im = new ColorChangeImage(tr, loopTime, doubleWidth, actualCellWidth, actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0), colors2); im.setAlign(2); im.setSize(actualCellWidth * (doubleWidth ? 2 : 1), actualCellHeight + (distanceField ? 1 : 0)); // - lineHeight / actualCellHeight //+ lineTweak * 1f return im; } /** * Converts a TextureRegion into an Image, or if the argument s is null, creates an Image of a solid block. Can be * used for preparing images for animation effects. Stretches the TextureRegion to match a single cell's dimensions. * @param tr a TextureRegion to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param color a Color to tint tr with. * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Color color) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Image im = new Image(block); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); im.setSize(width, height); // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { Image im = new Image(tr); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); im.setSize(width, height); // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } } /** * Converts a TextureRegion into an Image, or if the argument s is null, creates an Image of a solid block. Can be * used for preparing images for animation effects. Ensures the returned Image has the given width and height. * @param tr a TextureRegion to make into an Actor, which can be null for a solid block. * @param color a Color to tint tr with. * @return the Actor, with no position set. */ public Actor makeActor(TextureRegion tr, Color color, float width, float height) { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } if (tr == null) { Image im = new Image(block); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); im.setSize(width, height); // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } else { Image im = new Image(tr); im.setColor(scc.filter(color)); im.setSize(width, height); // im.setPosition(x - width * 0.5f, y - height * 0.5f,; return im; } } /** * Returns a solid block of white, 1x1 pixel in size; can be drawn at other sizes by Batch. * * @return a white 1x1 pixel Texture. */ public Texture getSolid() { if (!initialized) { throw new IllegalStateException("This factory has not yet been initialized!"); } return block; } public boolean isDistanceField() { return distanceField; } public float getDistanceFieldScaleX() { return distanceFieldScaleX; } public float getDistanceFieldScaleY() { return distanceFieldScaleY; } /** * If this uses a distance field font, the smoothing multiplier affects how crisp or blurry lines are, with higher * numbers generally resulting in more crisp fonts, but numbers that are too high cause jagged aliasing. * @return the current smoothing multiplier as a float, which starts at 1f. */ public float getSmoothingMultiplier() { return smoothingMultiplier; } /** * If this uses a distance field font, the smoothing multiplier affects how crisp or blurry lines are, with higher * numbers generally resulting in more crisp fonts, but numbers that are too high cause jagged aliasing. * @param smoothingMultiplier the new value for the smoothing multiplier as a float; should be fairly close to 1f. * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory setSmoothingMultiplier(float smoothingMultiplier) { this.smoothingMultiplier = smoothingMultiplier; return this; } /** * If using a distance field font, you MUST call this at some point while the batch has begun, or use code that * calls it for you (which is now much of SquidLib). A typical point to call it is in the * "void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha)" method or an overriding method for a Scene2D class. You should call * configureShader rarely, typically only a few times per frame if there are no images to render, and this means the * logical place to call it is in the outermost Group that contains any SquidPanel objects or other widgets. If you * have multipleTextCellFactory objects, each one needs to have configureShader called before it is used to draw. * <br> * SquidLayers and SquidPanel already call this method in their draw overrides, so you don't need to call this * manually if you use SquidLayers or SquidPanel. * <br> * If you don't use a distance field font, you don't need to call this, but calling it won't cause problems. * * @param batch the Batch, such as a SpriteBatch, to configure to render distance field fonts if necessary. */ public void configureShader(Batch batch) { if (initialized && distanceField) { batch.setShader(shader); shader.setUniformf("u_smoothing", 0.2f / (3.5f * smoothingMultiplier * bmpFont.getData().scaleX)); } } /** * Releases all resources of this object. */ @Override public void dispose() { if(bmpFont != null) bmpFont.dispose(); if(block != null) block.dispose(); } /** * Gets the descent of this TextCellFactory's BitmapFont, which may be useful for layout outside this class. * @return the descent of the BitmapFont this object uses */ public float getDescent() { return descent; } public char getDirectionGlyph() { return directionGlyph; } public TextCellFactory setDirectionGlyph(char directionGlyph) { this.directionGlyph = directionGlyph; return this; } /** * Adds a pair of Strings (typically both with length 1) as a replacement pair, so when the find String is requested * to be drawn, the replace String is used instead. Swaps are used when drawing text in each cell in SquidPanel and * related classes, so Strings longer than 1 char are effectively disregarded beyond the first char. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap("^", ",")} and also * {@code addSwap(",", ":")}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @param find the requested String that will be changed * @param replace the replacement String that will be used in place of find * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory addSwap(String find, String replace) { if(find == null || replace == null || find.isEmpty() || replace.isEmpty() || find.charAt(0) == 0) return this; swap.put(find.charAt(0), replace.charAt(0)); return this; } /** * Adds a pair of chars as a replacement pair, so when the find char is requested to be drawn, the replace char is * used instead. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @param find the requested char that will be changed (converted to a length-1 String) * @param replace the replacement char that will be used in place of find (converted to a length-1 String) * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory addSwap(char find, char replace) { if(find == 0) return this; swap.put(find, replace); return this; } /** * Removes the replacement pair, if present, that searches for the given key, find. Swaps are used when drawing text * in each cell in SquidPanel and related classes, so Strings longer than 1 char are effectively disregarded beyond * the first char. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @param find the String that would be changed in the replacement pair * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory removeSwap(String find) { if(find != null && !find.isEmpty() && find.charAt(0) != 0) swap.remove(find.charAt(0)); return this; } /** * Removes the replacement pair, if present, that searches for the given key, find. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory removeSwap(char find) { swap.remove(find); return this; } /** * Gets the current mapping of "swaps", or replacement pairs, to replace keys requested for drawing with their * values in the OrderedMap. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @return the mapping of replacement pairs */ public OrderedMap<Character, Character> getAllSwaps() { return swap; } /** * Sets the mapping of replacement pairs to a different one as a Map of Character keys to String values. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @param swaps the Map of replacement pairs; keys requested for drawing will be replaced with their values * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory setAllSwaps(OrderedMap<Character, Character> swaps) { swap.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < swaps.size(); i++) { if(!swaps.keyAt(i).equals('\0')) swap.put(swaps.keyAt(i), swaps.getAt(i)); } return this; } /** * Appends to the mapping of replacement pairs, adding or replacing any entries in the current mapping with the * entries in a Map of Character keys to String values. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @param swaps the Map of replacement pairs to add; keys requested for drawing will be replaced with their values * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory addSwaps(OrderedMap<Character, Character> swaps) { for (int i = 0; i < swaps.size(); i++) { if(!swaps.keyAt(i).equals('\0')) swap.put(swaps.keyAt(i), swaps.getAt(i)); } return this; } /** * Clears all replacement pairs this has been told to swap. * <br> * This can be useful when you want to use certain defaults in squidlib-util's dungeon generation, like '~' for deep * water, but not others, like ',' for shallow water, and would rather have a glyph of your choice replace something * that would be drawn. Replacements will not be chained; that is, if you {@code addSwap('^', ',')} and also * {@code addSwap(',', ':')}, then a requested '^' will be drawn as ',', not ':', but a requested ',' will be drawn * as ':' (only one swap will be performed). Typically you want a different TextCellFactory for UI elements that use * swapping, like a top-down char-based map, and elements that should not, like those that display normal text. * @return this for chaining */ public TextCellFactory clearSwaps() { swap.clear(); return this; } }